Four Germans, and one melancholy Dane

This won’t be on your first exam later in the week, Co-Phi STUDENTS, but here’s a good “factual question” for you:

What notoriously-punctual German philosopher is mentioned at the beginning of Monty Python’s “Philosophers Song“?

And another:

Which philosophers were “outconsumed” by David Hume? HINT: One of them inspired a brief but impassioned 19th century philosophical movement in my hometown (Go Cards!), which in turn inspired a 1970s undergraduate philosophy club I sometimes speak of…*


What pioneer of Christian Existentialism shared a name with an associate of the vicious Piranha Brothers criminal gang? HINT: Despite his tireless tirades against the degraded Christianity of the Danish pastors, he was buried with a full religious service. Was that gracious, mocking, or just… absurd?


Which revolutionary thinker competed against Mao tse-Tung and Che Guevara for a beautiful lounge suite? (He and his wife Jenny really could have used it, according to a recent book: Love & Capital)

Kant to MarxGermans (mostly)…Kant, Hegel, Marx (slides)… Schopenhauer slidesrising tide…*St. Louis HegeliansKant on the webPhilosophers football: Greeks vs. Germans

“We all have an idea of the happiness that love will bring us.” Even a grump like Schopenhauer? Yes, according to Alain de Botton:

NOTE TO Co-Phi STUDENTS: First exam is later in the week (Wed & Thur), when we’ll also re-group for October. Today & Tuesday, it’s

M 26 PW 89-103. Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marx

We’ll spend some time reviewing today.

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