Archive for March 19th, 2018

I’ve just posted on my Blog about: John Locke Discussion and Quiz Questions

March 19, 2018

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John Locke Discussion and Quiz Questions

March 19, 2018

Discussion Questions:

1. How much freedom would you be willing to give up to the government.?

2. At what point would it be acceptable to turn against and try and replace bad government?

3. Locke argues that everyone is fair and unselfish originally by nature. Do you believe this?

Quiz Questions:

1. In what religion was Locke raised up in?

2. What prestige university did Locke attend in Oxford Ohio?

3. Who recruited Locke to be their personal physician and inspired many of his philosophical beliefs?

4. What were the documents called where Locke stated everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property?

5. What did Locke say should happen to corrupt government?

Books: Two Treatises, Concerning Toleration

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